Mécanique des sols 1
Subject: Soil Mechanics 1
Fundamental Unit: UEF 4.1
(Course: 1h30, Tutorials: 1h30, Practical Work: 1h30)
Credits: 5
Coefficient: 3

Module Objectives
The student will be able to characterize the physical parameters of soils and classify them based on laboratory and in-situ identification tests.
The student will become familiar with water flow in soils.

Content of the Subject
Chapter 1: Introduction to Soil Mechanics.
Chapter 2: Identification and Classification of Soils.
Chapter 3: Soil Compaction.
Chapter 4: Water in Soil.

This structure outlines the foundational aspects of soil mechanics, covering essential topics such as the principles of soil behavior, methods for classifying and identifying soil types, the processes involved in compacting soils, and the role of water within soil systems.

Practical Work
1. Measurement of weight characteristics ( density – water content).
2. Measurement of consistency parameters (Atterberg limits).
3. Granulometric analysis (by sieving and sedimentation).
4. Measurement of compaction and bearing characteristics (Proctor and CBR tests).
5. Measurement of in-situ density (membrane densitometer test).

Evaluation Method
Continuous Assessment: 40%.
Final Exam: 60%.

Béton armé 1
Objectifs de cours
Enseigner les caractéristiques physiques et mécaniques du béton armé. Apprendre le dimensionnement des sections soumises à des sollicitations simples (traction, compression et flexion simple) selon les règles BAEL, CBA93.

Connaissances préalables recommandées:
Résistance des matériaux 1, Matériaux de constructions.

Contenu de la matière:
Chapitre 1. Formulation et propriétés mécaniques du béton armé
Chapitre 2. Prescriptions réglementaires
Chapitre 3. Adhérence et ancrage Contrainte d’adhérence
Chapitre 4. Compression simple
Chapitre5. Traction simple