Physics 1
S1 LMD 1

يهتم درس الفيزياء 1 بميكانيك النقطة المادية ويقسم إلى قسمين أساسيين

الحركيات أو الحركة المجردة والتحريك بالإضافة إلى قسم العمل والطاقة الذي يعتبر ثمرة الدرس

Structure of Matter
S1 LMD 1

This course was written to meet the needs of first-year students in the common core of science and technology at the University of Setif 1. This course fully covers the structural chemistry program, as it contains theoretical summaries with examples that help the student understand and grasp what is contained therein. We hope to have succeeded in addressing and presenting the various topics of this course in an appropriate manner to our student audience. We hope to have contributed, even in a modest way, in the field of higher education and its improvement