The course 'Structure of Matter' covers fundamental principles from atomic theory to quantum mechanics, with an emphasis on practical understanding of molecular structures and states of matter. Students will acquire skills to navigate the complexities of the microscopic world.
Course designed for students of: 1st Year Licence Degree in Polymer Engineering.*
يقدم مساق ”بنية المادة“ استكشافاً معمقاً للمبادئ الأساسية للنظرية الذرية وميكانيكا الكم. ويوفر فرصة لاكتساب فهم شامل للجوانب العملية للتركيبات الجزيئية وحالات المادة. استعد لاكتساب المهارات التي ستساعدك على الإبحار في تعقيدات العالم المجهري
Practical work Chemistry 1, often abbreviated as "PW Chemistry 1", has been developed for students in the first year of a polymer engineering degree. It is a type of methodological teaching that plays a central and distinctive role in the teaching of chemistry. It is based on practical learning through the performance of experiments to verify and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the theoretical courses.
This practical work familiarises students with the essential laboratory techniques (weighing,use of appropriate glassware, filtration, dilution, heating, etc.) and makes them aware of the rules of safety and good laboratory practice. They are based on understanding an experimental protocol, carrying out experiments and interpreting the results. They are carried out in chemistry laboratories and require specific equipment (glassware, chemicals, computers, etc.).